Lake Champlain Bikeways
We have more than 1,600 miles of breathtaking routes — through two states and two countries! Bicyclists are quickly discovering some of the finest cycling in North America along a network of bicycle routes, known as Lake Champlain Bikeways, in the Lake Champlain Valley of Vermont, New York, and Québec.

The bridge over the Winooski River connects the Burlington Greenway with Champlain Bikeways routes to the north. Photo: LCBP
The network includes a total of 35 loops and tours ranging from 10 to 60 miles in length, in addition to the Champlain Bikeway, a 363-mile principal route around the entire Lake and along the Richelieu River to Chambly, Québec. Based on a rich array of natural, cultural, and historic themes, these loops meander along quiet back roads through extraordinary mountain and countryside scenery.
With growing national interest in bicycle tourism, Lake Champlain Bikeways, a public/private partnership, is quickly expanding its bicycle route network while serving as the information clearinghouse on bicycling opportunities in the Champlain Valley.
Ingredients of a Bicycling Destination
Cyclists who ride in the Champlain Valley know it has all the right ingredients for a premier bicycle touring destination: peaceful country roads, picturesque villages, breathtaking scenery, charming B&B’s and inns, country stores and farmstands, bicycle tour outfitters, impressive historic sites and museums, lovely shoreline parks and campgrounds, convenient connections to passenger rail lines and ferry crossings, and access to numerous lakes and rivers.
Did You Know?
Lake Champlain Bikeways was recently named one of the Ten Top Tours by Adventure Cycling, publishers of the Cyclists’ Yellow Pages. View the article (EN/FR)